Resolution - Residential Solid Waste Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Rate







Agenda Request Item



Type of Request: Resolution

(Adopt Resolution, Adopt Ordinance (1st Reading) Adopt Ordinance (2nd Reading)

Award Bid /RFP, Presentation, Public Hearing)


Continued from:      


Requested Action        (Identify appropriate Action or Motion)

Approve a Resolution


Description of Action

The Administration received a proposal from Waste Management, the residential solid waste contractor, that reflected a cumulative increase in service rates covering the past two year period.  The City’s contract calls for annual notification of rate adjustments no less than 90 days from the date of the initial contract (October 1st) and last year their rate adjustment was denied because the contractor’s request was not submitted to the City timely.


The Administration has reviewed and adjusted the Waste Management service rate increase based on the current, single year’s CPI as outlined in our agreement.  The City’s adjustment (limited by ~2.5% CPI) results in a small increase to residential rates of about 20-cents per month.


Purchasing Requests ONLY

Dept: Finance

Acct #:      


Fund:  General Fund  (Select from: General, Water, Sewer, Stormwater, Grants, Capital)













Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary

Total residential solid waste annual revenues are estimated at $1,957,726 before adjustment of 5% for early payment and County collection costs.  The City’s residential service rate changes from a current total of $269.40 yr. to a proposed total of $271.68 yr. beginning October 1, 2012.  The contractual payment to the City’s residential provider reflects an annual adjustment for the lower of 3% or the annual CPI (of ~2.5%) as provided by the City’s agreement.


Exhibits Attached


Resolution, City Adjustment schedule; Waste Mgmt. proposal